Working from home was forced upon most of us at the start of the Covid pandemic.
Whether you enjoyed spending more time with your family or working in the comfort of your slippers, there were also many reported benefits to the environment.
From the dolphins spotted playing in Mgarr Harbour in Gozo, to the crystal clear canals of Venice, pollution levels decreased and the world seemed to flourish as we were stuck inside.
While some normality is returning, many of us in Malta are still working from home.
At Melita, we’ve introduced a number of changes to our working from home arrangements following a staff survey.
The aim is to provide the right balance between working from home and working from the office, and getting the benefits of both.
Jacqueline Abela, head of human resources at Melita, said: ‘Many employees said that the most crucial benefit of working from home was that they managed to achieve a better work-life balance.
‘They indicated they felt that they could work more effectively, with fewer distractions. Also, 64 per cent of employees reported that they conducted their work more effectively.
‘The biggest struggle our team members faced while working remotely from home was unplugging after work, as 45 per cent found it challenging to find the appropriate time to switch off.’
The past few months have been a challenge but with working from home becoming the new normal, we wanted to share some tips from the Melita team to make sure you’re getting the most out of it.
Get the basics right
Along with many people across the world, we’ve found that the most important thing is a laptop and a good internet connection.
If your home internet connection needs an upgrade or you want full speed StellarWiFi on every device in every room, speak to one of our customer advisors at the Melita Help Centre. We’ll be happy to assist you.
Make sure you can make video calls on your laptop. There are a number of online tools to help. Video creates a sense of connection and makes it easier to collaborate with colleagues.
Check your home office setup
Ask yourself these questions. Is the top of your monitor or laptop screen at the same level as your eyes? Is your screen 40 to 75cm away from your eyes? Can the height and angle of your monitor, keyboard and chair be adjusted? If not, you’ll end up straining your eyes or your muscles.
Build a routine
Take regular breaks throughout the day. Set a reminder to go outside, even for a quick walk to the end of your street. Break up intense activities with something fun to clear your mind.
Unplug as much as possible
Did you know that all electronic devices use energy when they are plugged in, even if they aren’t being used? Well the same also goes for you. Eating your lunch at your desk or leaving your laptop on standby overnight means you aren’t completely logging off. Doing this over long periods of time can lead to burnout. Sitting somewhere else as you eat gives you a mental break, allowing you to feel motivated for the afternoon.
Working from home as a parent?
If you’re working from home with young children, don’t panic. It’s OK for people to hear your kids on a conference call. If they’re making a lot of noise, close the door. On the other hand, you’ll be surprised how many colleagues might actually want to meet them!