Time on Earth : 31 Years
Time at Melita: 11 Years
Status: In a relationship with a 2-year-old daughter
I joined Melita 11 years ago, as a Customer Care Agent. I stayed in this role for two years, before moving on to the Retail Department. By time, I was promoted to team leader, and eventually I made it to branch manager, a role I still hold at present.
I still remember my first interview at Melita. At the time, the company had just launched the mobile service, a product which was new to the Maltese islands, and therefore it was an exciting and challenging time. Through the years, I have managed to develop my career further, through hard work and dedication and thanks to ample company opportunities. I set goals for myself and worked towards achieving them. I admit, when I first started off, I was anxious, questioning whether I would be able to handle all the complaints, or satisfy the needs of all clients. But by time, I grew more confident and today I love my job and the fact that I have the opportunity to lead a team in the retail section. I am grateful for the entire journey. Today, I am able to lead my team, because I too was in their position and understand what it entails.
The company is very team-oriented and we succeed because we work together as one team. Today, I consider the team at my branch as a second-family and we do many activities together. During challenging times, we all look out for each other and pull the same rope for the benefit of all.
I have many fond memories of my time working here. One which I remember very well, is the time when the management organised retail events in Gozo. During these events, members from different outlets joined together to work as one team, in an effort to sell new products. We worked hard, but we truly enjoyed collaborating together.

Another memory which I hold close to heart is when I was awarded the Melita Pride Award as a leader, following a nomination by my colleagues. Hearing my name being called as winner was a very special moment, and I was truly grateful that the people around me recognised my hard work and the dedication towards my team and the company.
Now that I have a young daughter, I need to juggle between work and family life, and I admit, it is not always straightforward. Outside working hours, people still approach to ask questions about the service, and because I am a represenative of a major communication company, I do my best to help.
Outisde working hours, I manage to find time to do cross-fit, a sports I have been practicing for the past three years. It helps me to release stress and to push my limits. I try to find time to train before my working day, as that really gives me the boost I need to face the rest of the day. Handling complaints on a daily basis is not an easy feat, but it is a very important aspect of the company’s work. We are here to help clients and make sure they get the positive service they deserve.
Melita provides a family environment. It is not simply a job, but a career. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to develop and grow further. I started from the bottom and worked my way up. In eleven years, I have gained so much experience from working with different clients and team members. I have seen so many people come and go, but I feel it is a safe place where my work is secure and one which provides me with ample opportunities for the future.