Time on Earth – 33 years
Time at Melita – 5 years
In a relationship
As Melita’s HR Manager I am responsible for the team that takes care of the company’s employees – their entire journey, from their first day to their last.
I first joined Melita as an HR Executive, then after a couple of years I was promoted to Senior HR Executive and eventually to my current role as Manager. I’ve always been very happy working here; we are an amazing team making sure that our employees are given all the assistance they need to develop, grow and be happy. Our aim is to make our employee’s journey as seamless and satisfying as possible.
Employee satisfaction and retention go hand in hand, and both are extremely important to us not just as a department but as a company. This means that top management is fully supportive of our initiatives which makes a big difference to our working life, making it a lot easier and much more fun.
At Melita we are more like a family than colleagues because the environment is nurturing and welcoming. Opportunities for career advancement are also abundant with internal opportunities always available. Employees are constantly being developed and trained to be able to progress in their career journey both horizontally and vertically.
The cherry on my cake is that by working in HR I get the opportunity to witness all this first hand and I can truly vouch that this sentiment is shared amongst all managers.
At Melita it’s not just about work because thanks to flexible and teleworking arrangements that we have, employees find it easier to juggle their work and personal life commitments. Even though I am a perfectionist by nature and want to make sure that all deadlines have been met, my team and the company’s policies help me strike a good balance between work and my personal life.
I believe that with good planning everything is achievable, in fact, last year, even though we had numerous ongoing projects, I was still able to juggle personal and work commitments and managed to achieve a Masters in HR & Training.

The memories I have from the past five years are numerous, and all bring a smile to my face. Possibly one of the fondest and most recent ones is that of a Virtual Scavenger Hunt that HR organised during the COVID-19 lockdown. Apart from being an extremely fun experience to organise, it was amazing to see so many employees participate, and witnessing the team spirit that came out of it, was astounding.
Hand on heart, I would recommend working with Melita to anyone. It’s a great place to develop, grow, and be yourself. With so many cultures, nationalities, skills, and personalities, diversity is extremely cherished and we make sure to make everyone feel welcome and offer all that is needed to help them reach their full potential.