In today’s world, having reliable, seamless connectivity has become a necessity. Almost all of our activities, communications, entertainment and even education centers around consistent and secure access to the Internet. Connectivity is a top priority when you want to keep in touch with your loved ones and friends, access your financial apps and do shopping. If you are traveling, affordable connectivity is a must for your business trip or vacation.
You’ll be making travel reservations, booking accommodation and you’ll want to be able to find those amazing hidden treasures that are a must see. Sometimes, traveling and using smartphones in a new country can be incredibly costly, and leave you with outrageous phone charges. With Melita’s new groundbreaking offer, however, Melita customers who visit the USA or Moldova can Roam Like at Home. With the current promotion, which runs right through to December 2024, you’ll be able to roam in the USA or Moldova just like you would in the EU or the UK There is also a 50% roaming discount being offered when you travel to one of the 60 plus Zone 6 and 7 countries, from Argentina to Zanzibar.
The Importance of Seamless Connectivity
So many of our daily activities depend on reliable, top quality connections for all of our data, voice and messaging communications. Estimates are that we use our smartphones approximately 53 times a day, and each one of those interactions requires seamless connectivity. When you are traveling, either as a tourist or a student or on business, your smartphone is your lifeline in your new unfamiliar surroundings.
You’ll need secure connectivity so you can make new travel reservations, find your way around and take care of your financial needs along the way. Being able to share the adventure with family and friends back home is a must too. Your vacation or semester abroad becomes even more enjoyable when you can video conference someone from a wonderful location in the USA.
The Challenges Faced with Roaming
A bad experience with roaming can ruin your entire trip, and leave you struggling financially too. The Internet is full of horror stories of travelers who were hit with unforeseen roaming charges that could easily total €1,000 or more. We are so used to streaming our music and entertainment, and being able to spend a lot of time on social media. Limited coverage overseas may result in you connecting to unknown networks and seeing each call or MB of data run up your charges even more, if you’re a Melita customer we’ll automatically limit this so you don’t inadvertently have your own horror story.
Before you go on your vacation or overseas business trip, you’ll want to know how you are going to handle connectivity on the go. For trips to the USA or Moldova, or across the EU, with Melita you can Roam Like at Home. Best of all, you will also get reliable, secure connectivity and coverage you can count on. Be sure to check out the roaming rules for specialised travel and transportation, such as cruise ship travel.
Depending on your provider, and the plan you are on, there are several types of roaming charges that might hit your bill if you don’t take the right steps to assure affordable connectivity ahead of time. First, you could see charges for voice calls that could include a fee for connection in addition to a per minute rate. Even calls that you receive, rather than initiate, may be charged a fee. Expect to see another set of roaming charges for text messages. Huge data roaming fees could send your bill soaring, as your streaming and app activity runs through MBs of data. The best solution is to rely on Melita’s Roam Like at Home coverage for the the EU, UK, USA and Moldova.
Introducing Melita’s Roaming Offer
Melita offers Roam Like at Home coverage whenever you travel to EU countries or the UK. When you are there, you can use your Melita mobile services at the same rate you would pay in Malta. Melita has also introduced a major promotion that also allows travelers to the USA or Moldova to have the same Roam Like at Home provisions apply to their travels there too.
For those who enjoy traveling the world, Melita is also pleased to announce that they are reducing their already low roaming rates to over 60 other countries by 50%. This will help those who visit or go to school in those Zone 6 and 7 countries to save substantially, while still benefiting from excellent coverage and service. Both the 50% offer, and the USA and Moldova promotion, are good through to December of 2024.
Key Features and Benefits
With Melita’s roaming offer for the USA and Moldova, you get transparent pricing and the reliable coverage you need during your journey. You can use your smartphone for texting, calling and data just as if you were still in Malta. Basically, the allowances you have on your existing Melita plan are carried forward and cover you in the USA or Moldova, as if you were in Malta. Any overages would be charged at the same rate they would be at home.
If you are traveling to one of the other 60 countries covered under the new 50% off roaming promotion, you are also going to save money and help control your travel or vacation costs. You’ll also be assured of seamless connectivity and a reliable service. You can check the specific rates and carriers for any of the countries you might be thinking of travelling to here. Scroll down the page to see the section that lets you check your roaming rates outside the EU/EEA.
Final Thoughts: Melita’s Commitment to Seamless Connectivity
Melita’s commitment to continuously improving our service and providing seamless connectivity for our customers is reflected in the addition of the USA and Moldova to the Roam Like at Home countries. With the addition of the USA, the geographic area for Roam Like at Home roaming coverage has doubled.
Melita customers know they can count on our company for the latest advancements and innovations in smartphone connectivity, Internet service and entertainment options.