Every day we must decide which links are worth clicking on and which ones could be malicious. Over the years we’ve all learned, sometimes the hard way, that what we click on can have terrible consequences. Sometimes things become so confusing that we can easily make mistakes and expose ourselves and our devices to malware. This is why we added a simple and free solution to all our Home Internet packages – Cisco Umbrella.
With Cisco Umbrella, if you accidentally click on a malicious link, you’re 99% protected, so it does not necessarily lead to a security breach and your device getting infected. Cisco Umbrella is constantly working in the background, to protect Melita’s Home Internet customers from malware and notifies you when it encounters risk.
Life might not always give us second chances, but when it comes to online security, Melita home internet customers get just that, so when they make the odd mistake, between a click and a catastrophe, there is Cisco Umbrella to protect them.