Melita Limited continued to see a reduction in the number of customer complaints received by the Malta Communications Authority (MCA), according to their half-yearly End-User Affairs report for January to June 2022.
Melita, which has built its customer service on a promise to handle queries promptly, welcomed the outcome, which reflects its independent survey results of a 9.1 out of 10 rating for overall satisfaction with customer care.
Graziella Costa, Head of Customer Experience at Melita, said, “We are proud of these results which reflect our ongoing efforts to keep improving the experience we deliver to our customers. We are constantly revisiting a number of processes we have in place and empower our frontliners to take problem-solving decisions to resolve any issue our customers may have. We acknowledge that we still have room for improvement, however this result proves that we are on the right track.”
Between January and June of this year, the MCA received 71 complaints, only 7 of which related to Melita. This number, which was the least number of complaints of any operator, represented a 70 per cent year-on-year decrease in the number of escalated complaints.
The MCA only handles complaints once end-users would have exhausted all avenues of resolving the matter directly with the operator and were still unhappy with the outcome.
The MCA report also probed the telecom operators’ customer care service through a mystery shopping exercise involving 909 calls made between January and June. Melita had the shortest response time for handling calls in under five minutes, in 95 per cent of cases. For 76 per cent of the calls, Melita answered in under two minutes.
Ms Costa added, “In terms of caring for our customers, our mission is to further build on the services we provide by investing in our colleagues, be it training or tools, to continue offering stellar support to our customer base.”
The MCA End-Users Affairs report can be found at https://www.mca.org.mt/. For details of Melita Limited’s Customer Care promises, see https://www.melita.com/customer-service-promises/.