Offering a sincere promise to be good, a young boy beseeched Santa in a letter to send him a remote control car for Christmas, another asked for new clothes to replace hand-me-downs, while a young girl yearned to hold a little baby LOL Doll.
These are just a few of the wishes of vulnerable children which the Children’s Dreams Initiative, run by the Foundation for Social Welfare Services, is intent on making come true.
Touched by these requests, Melita Limited employees from several teams have come together to fulfil some of the dreams of children who come from families facing social and financial difficulties.
A young boy diagnosed with autism would love to learn how to ride a scooter this Christmas, while another, who loves gadgets and technology, was hoping Father Christmas would turn up with a smart watch.
Together, the employees managed to raise enough money to buy two scooters, two mobile phones, two smart watches, educational toys, dolls, a remote control car, as well as vouchers for food and clothes to add a sparkle of joy to these children’s Christmas.
Melita CEO, Harald Roesch said: “I commend our teams for voluntarily supporting these causes, which I hope will deliver a dose of cheer to these children.”