At the ‘Industry 4.0 – Engineering a Smarter Industry’ conference organised by the Chamber of Engineers, Melita’s Director of Business Innovation Kenneth Spiteri and the company’s Head of Marketing, Mireille Muscat, highlighted how Melita’s IoT networks are able to power new applications and processes that will drive efficiency and productivity through innovative IoT solutions.
Key to the power of IoT is the ability to collect and transfer data between devices and machines, enabling automatic monitoring and – if needed – triggering of specific actions. Mr Spiteri presented various IoT case studies to the engineers present at the conference including waste management and details of an ongoing trial in the Netherlands where commercial coffee machines have been fitted with IoT devices to ensure that baristas always have a well-maintained machine and on-time supply of coffee suited to the machine, leading to the perfect espresso.
Melita Business has developed the melita.io platform which gives clients across Europe the ability to track and manage their IoT SIM and Lora sensors from a desktop. In Malta, melita.io clients have the choice of two nationwide IoT connectivity options, both with low power requirements: Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), which allows for connectivity in remote areas – even underground – and LoRaWan, a long range, wide area network. This on top of the 3G, 4G and 5G networks.
Melita’s nationwide 5G network provides the infrastructure for a leap forward in automation and technical innovation by dramatically reducing latency and providing near-instantaneous data transfer for IoT applications such as precision manufacturing. 5G also allows companies to create their own private high-speed networks to enhance the security of their operations.
“As the fourth industrial revolution gathers pace, Melita.io has the necessary infrastructure and an ecosystem of partners in place to help device manufacturers and application developers make Malta a leading centre of excellence for IoT. As a company, we are well placed to export our knowledge and to continue to grow our melita.io brand throughout Europe and beyond,” said Mr Spiteri.